Ears Are What We Do

Denver Ear Associates is a dedicated group of of physicians, audiologists, and medical support staff committed solely to the care of issues involving the ear. Denver Ear is Colorado’s leading ear specialty practice utilizing the latest clinically-proven techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of disorders impacting ears, skull base, hearing, and balance. We provide the highest level of diagnostic, medical, surgical and audiological treatment for patients throughout Greater Denver and Colorado.

Our board-certified neurotologists provide medical and surgical care of patients, both adult and pediatric, with diseases that affect the ears, balance system, temporal bone, skull base, and related structures in the neck and head. Our doctors are specialists singularly focused on hearing, balance, nerve function, infectious disease, and tumors impacting the ear, hearing nerve, or skull base.

In otology, we regularly treat the following ear and balance issues:

In Need of Treatment? We Look Forward to Helping You!

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